Friday 5 July 2013

Free! - Itawobi Swim Club, AKA the Swimming Anime

Caved and watched episode 1 of Free - Itawobi Swim Club. Needless to say, my ovaries exploded into smithereens.

After the 30 second promo came out, this anime quickly became a trend on tumblr, the users shipping the characters left and right. AND RIGHTLY SO, LOOK AT THEM. PERFECTION. Why can't real life guys be this hot. And honestly, I prefer girls, but LOOK AT THEM. I don't even fucking care about the girls in this anime (of which there are, like, 2, and they're quite good looking as well).

If the main characters were girls, as attractive as they may turn out to be, it definitely wouldn't be that popular. You know why? Because anime girls suck. They're so whiny and omfg shut the fuck up. Boys are so much better, because its cute when they whinge. Double standards, I know, but hey, that's the world in which we live.

Seriously, the way this artist draws this anime, is just. Ok, let me put it this way, the art is probably the only reason 90% of the people watching this are doing so.

Because I totally watch this for the plot.

Ok it had to be done. Okay? Okay.

Seriously, if this doesn't turn out to be shounen ai/yaoi, I will cry.

Or if this doesn't turn out the be BL, someone better make an anime re-make of this, and turn it into a BL.

Fuck, what is my life.

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