Wednesday 3 July 2013

03/07/2013 - 'Dem' and I's 'birthday-but-not-birthday' get-together

Today was fucking wonderful. Like, seriously, I have not been this happy in ages. My friends came over to my place to have a hotpot/Disney party, where we ate hotpot and watched Disney movies.

'Heen' arrived first, because we had to pick her up from the train station, and as we were driving back, 'Dem' and 'Son' were already at my house. We went in and pottered around a bit, trying (and failing) to make the hoisin/peanut butter/sesame sauce. Next, 'Key' arrived and SHE BROUGHT HERSCHEY'S OMG. The best chocolates, seriously. 'Son' had brought 2 little tubs of dipping sauces. We started boiling the water at this point, in preparation. 'Gel' came next, with a birthday cake! Which was incredibly lovely of her, since we had already established that it was not a birthday party. It was a honeymelon mousse cake, and it was a really lovely pastel green colour, topped with whipped cream and enticing fruits. We started the movie, and then 'Wheeze' came (late, as per usual). She was also incredibly lovely and brought with her 4 boxes of jellies! 3 little Tupperware containers of various lychee flavoured, fruit filled jellies, in various cute shapes, and 1 large container with gui ling gao (the bitter kind). I squealed at the sight of the cute jellies, and ushered the others to come look at these amazingly cute delicacies. We proceeded eating, everyone complimenting the food and sauce quality (thanks mum).

My mum spend a lot of money, time and effort preparing ample food for us, for which I was incredibly grateful. We even got a new hotpot in which to cook. First on the agenda was the movie 'The Emperor's New Groove', about a vain and selfish emperor who gets accidentally turned into a llama. Definitely one of Disney's more underrated movies, still a classic. We then watched 'Tangled', which is definitely one of Disney's finer moments. After the movies, we ate 'Wheeze's decadent jellies, which were incredibly cute, some of them were in cute heart shapes, while others were in miniature fruit shapes. Filled with grapes, kiwi fruits and other fruit, we delightfully savoured every bite, complimenting 'Wheeze' on her botheredness and cute jelly moulds. We then made some sugar syrup to go with the bitter gui ling gao, which was VERY bitter, bitter to the point where 'Dem' couldn't handle it AT ALL. I thought that, although it was incredibly bitter, it was quite nice with the syrup. Maybe if we had some condensed milk, or caramel. We then played UNO, the loser having to eat half a pot of the gui ling gao. Naturally, 'Dem' lost and had to drown her gui ling gao in the syrup.

Next, we played a game where you blindfold the player and make them blindly choose a shot glass with either a delicious treat, or a disgusting liquid. 'Dem', 'Gel', 'Son' and I played. They made me find shot glasses, which we surprisingly own 4 of, andi had to climb onto the countertop, AND THEN THEY TOOK AWAY THE CHAIR, AND OFFERED TO CATCH ME INSTEAD OF LETTIGN ME CLIMB DOWN. Logical solution, guys. We spun the orange juice bottle and it landed on 'Gel's turn first, and just her luck, she picked the Yakult shot. 'Dem' was next, and she picked the peanut butter hoisin sesame shot. Obviously. Next, it was my turn, and obviously, I also got the hoisin peanut butter sesame sauce. so I drank it, and almost threw it all up. Honestly, it wasn't all that disgusting, but it was just that I was so incredibly full by that point. 'Son' wanted to try the hoisin stuff, so she also shot that one down, and, surprisingly, it was okay. The other shots were coke and sugar syrup, and just plain sugar syrup. Although admittedly the most un-hardcore dare game, it was still very fun. Afterwards, we just sat and had a nice chat with everyone. It was amazing, and I definitely feel a little bit, if not a lot, closer to everyone now.

Our group, being so small, would not usually go out much, either to each others houses or at all, so this was a really great opportunity to get together in our second-last year of highschool to really have some fun and spend some quality time together.

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