Monday 1 July 2013



  • Weird dream last night: zombie apocalypse, the government/CIA is killing off people for some reason, and we are trapped in our house as we look out our window and see our neighbors being stabbed by these guys in sunglasses and black suits. We hide in the house and try find hiding spots, and I think i have had this dream before, so I sneak out the backyard, as this middle aged Asian man comes and innocently inspects it. I sneak out to the backyard and climb a ladder, and somehow we manage to escape death. Weird, I'm always having dreams about the apocalypse. An omen, perhaps?
  • I've missed having dreams. I don't sleep nearly enough.
  • Although I am very much looking forward to the hotpot party at my house on Wednesday, I am also dreading that it will be a failure. Nervous as fuck right now.
  • Today, I am actually quite happy. Had a good heart-to-heart chat with 'Ther' last night, about relationships, sexuality, ideal partners, stuff like that. It was nice. Even though after these deep chats, we dont really talk as much or about as deep things.
  • Accidentally invited 'Heen' to my hotpot party. I hope mum wont dissaprove, I really want to bleach the ends of my hair, I don't stand out AT ALL, and I would like to change that a bit.
  • I have gotten no work done these holidays so far. I should probably at least finish my logarithm chapter and get started on my VA practical assignment :/. OR I could rewatch the entire seven seasons of Buffy. Yeah.
  • I need to find out where the NAS is and how I am to get there...
  • Stressing about hotpot party. Why is it that I cannot be spontaneous.

Breakfast: one bowl milo milk, 2 slices peanut butter bread
Lunch: 5 sticks chicken fingers, 3 handfuls of plain popcorn, 2 heaped tablespoon 97% fat free cottage cheese - seasoned with pepper salt and parsley, 1 yakult, 1 low fat strawberry yoghurt
Dinner: 1/2 bowl of rice, 6 pieces pork (1 serving), 3 leaves of lettuce, 1/3 lotus root
Snacks: a banana, half a large orange
Water: 400mL green tea - 2 sugars
Exercise: does sweeping the floor for 30 mins, mopping the floor for 30 mins and doing laundry for 1 hr count??

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