Friday 28 June 2013

Being Short

I really hate myself. Like, a lot. People probably think I'm trying to be modest when I say this, but I'm actually not. I absolutely despise myself. Some days more than others. Yesterday, I hated my round face, my square jawline, my bad skin, my upturned, round-nostril'd nose, my uneven eyelids, my permanently bedraggled eyebrows, my periodically greasy hair, my exaggeratedly concave-up cupids' bow. Today, I hate my wide ribcage, my booblessness, my thick muscular legs, my fat legs, the plethora of fat on my belly, my inability to stick to a routine diet, my back fat, my height, my height, my size, my height, my height, my height etc. etc.

This girl in my grade, 'Tea', is always being incredibly condescending towards my size and 'cute' appearance. She calls me and 'Knee' the 'little buddies'. Which is ok. What is not okay is the negative way she in which she says it. Being short is generally though of as being a bad thing and I understand why, biologically, people of short stature and immature appearance may be regarded with inferiority, because from an evolutionary standpoint, characteristics such as strength, height, agility etc. are more attractiv when searching for companions. Strength and height are both highly regarded virtues, even in modern society, in both males and females.

But I don't think it is okay, in our current society, to look down on (pun intended) the vertically challenged, because what reason is there to discriminate against others judging from their physical appearance? The negative connotations that immediately come after the word 'short' as an adjective is, in my opinion, insulting. Although, I admit, I do hold a significant amount of bias towards vertically challenged people such as myself, and in arguments - e.g. in reality television shows and real life situations - I tend to lean towards their side. We are passed off as 'defective merchandise', a flaw in the evolution of human beings. When dealing with these issues, I think its better to take into consideration that short people HAVE FEELINGS. And actually GET OFFENDED. I think that, as part of my emotional journey, I have become more sensitive to problems such as this, due to my experience in this area. The horrible feeling you get when people patronise you for your  appearance, the sense of incredible worthlessness and undesirability.

Ok but seriously, 'Tea' is literally the same height as me. I think she's in denial. 157cm my ass, face it, you're 152cm like me.

Fucking hate myself. I need to grow a pair and stand up for myself. MAN THE FUCK UP.

I'm disgusting.

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