Monday 2 September 2013

(. Y .)

my boobs look nice today

jk they hurt like a motherfucker

Wednesday 7 August 2013

i have literally been daydreaming about this moment for months - 'fighting' back

i have literally been daydreaming about this moment for months. literally.

today, i snapped at T. BOOYAH, BITCH.

it didnt go as i though it would, as i rehearsed it over and over in my head

in my head, i punched her, she fell to the ground unconscious, i spit on her, and the people in the hallway around me applaud.

in my head, i slap her, she slaps me back, and beats me up, and people drag her away and applaud me as i stand back up.

in my head, i win, and everyone hates her.

i dont hate her, i just hate the way she fucking acts, like stfu i wont talk to you about fucking doctor who, go the fuck away. youre so fucking loud.

as she started coming towayrs me with her arms outstretched, her mouth pulkled into an 'AWWWWWWWWWW-' position, i shout: "CAN YOU FUCKING NOT OMFG, WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU". or something to that degree.

best feeling, m8, after all this time.
knee: she (meaning me) gets really offended you know
T: really? i didnt know!
-reached out to come hug me-

wtf is this girl doing, she wants to hug me, but doesnt realise her mistake and fucking apologise, wtf is wrong with her what the actual fuck HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA

me: IM GOOD IM GOOD, (referring to hug)

-she comes closer-

me: REALLY, IM GOOD IM GOOD -turns to Knee and talks about biology homework or someshit unrelated-

not as satisfying as i had hoped, but eh, at least ive dealt with the issue. i hope she never talks to me again, shes fucking annoying.

im a bitch i know.

breakfast: honey oats, 1/4 box sultanas, 100mL whole milk
Lunch: soup (one small potato, half a tomato, half a carrot, 1/3 onion, 1 cube beef stock 12cal)
snacks: 2 small apples, 1 medium banana, 2 small mandarins, 1 thick sushi approx 100-150cal, 1 pizza cone 407cal, 1 square dairy milk hazelnut chocolate, 1 stringers cheese stick, 1 yakult
dinner: curry chicken and rice 500cal approx

i had to hide my left wrist cut with my thick watch that mum gave me and 3 hair ties -.- so fucking conspic, why do i even bother. so easy to cut tho, blood yay

Saturday 20 July 2013

again wtf

inner left arm, 5 strokes
upper left breast, 5 strokes
upper right breast, 10 strokes

Thursday 18 July 2013


Relapsed again today. Didnt even cry or anything, how pointless. 10 cuts overlapping old scars on torso region, not as deep as i would have liked. My left inner arm is scabbing pretty well, but once we return to summer uniform, I'll have to abandon that area, wont I. Too bad, thats one of my favourite areas to cut ):

Friday 5 July 2013


My mum doesn't trust me. Like, at all. Although, I don't blame her.

I snuck out a number of times, saying that I was meeting friends, when I was actually visiting my grandma, whom she, I assume, dislikes. How fucking un-hardcore is that. Having to lie in order to meet my grandma, uncle, and little cousin. My mother is a fucking crazy hag. She found out about that because grandma had given me an umbrella, and, due to my blatant inability to conjure up impromptu fibs, she found out. I also snuck out quite a few times to meet my guy friends, of which I have 3. And they're (surprisingly) nice guys. Like, they're decent, unlike the majority of the population of their school, notorious for housing douchebags, smokers, and druggies. She caught me out with R and yeah, shit happened and now she ties me to the house with her mind mojo.

Yeah, I guess trust is earned, but seriously, wtf have I even done wrong. Lied, yes, but what the fuck, I went to go see my grandmother, and my good friends. WHO ARE GOOD PEOPLE. Better than the girl i know anyway. Oh wait, what girls. Guys are more open and willing to talk about anything, whereas girls, they snipe and whinge and are bitchy and don't tell you anything personal, so you can't establish a personal connection with them easily. Why even bother with girls (apart from that fact that boobs)?! They're nothing but trouble.

I can't wait to fucking move out, so I can do whatever, whenever, with whom I wish.

Free! - Itawobi Swim Club, AKA the Swimming Anime

Caved and watched episode 1 of Free - Itawobi Swim Club. Needless to say, my ovaries exploded into smithereens.

After the 30 second promo came out, this anime quickly became a trend on tumblr, the users shipping the characters left and right. AND RIGHTLY SO, LOOK AT THEM. PERFECTION. Why can't real life guys be this hot. And honestly, I prefer girls, but LOOK AT THEM. I don't even fucking care about the girls in this anime (of which there are, like, 2, and they're quite good looking as well).

If the main characters were girls, as attractive as they may turn out to be, it definitely wouldn't be that popular. You know why? Because anime girls suck. They're so whiny and omfg shut the fuck up. Boys are so much better, because its cute when they whinge. Double standards, I know, but hey, that's the world in which we live.

Seriously, the way this artist draws this anime, is just. Ok, let me put it this way, the art is probably the only reason 90% of the people watching this are doing so.

Because I totally watch this for the plot.

Ok it had to be done. Okay? Okay.

Seriously, if this doesn't turn out to be shounen ai/yaoi, I will cry.

Or if this doesn't turn out the be BL, someone better make an anime re-make of this, and turn it into a BL.

Fuck, what is my life.


  • woke up at 10:30 today. PROGRESS YAY :D
  • finally fucking started doing some work, even though its probably not even considered work - did a bit of my va artwork. totally doesnt count as actual work, does it. fuck.
  • listened to the Disney song collection today. Crying. My precious childhood. link to the 4 hr long video which is my childhood.
  • depressed.
  • stressed.
  • badly dressed.
  • mum's not letting me go to my birthday outing. yay. trust.
  • feel like cutting, but seriously, my hands are too cold for that shit.
Breakfast: 1 and 1/2 tablespoons of 97% fat free cottage cheese - seasoned with salt and pepper
Lunch: a few rice noodles, fish tofu, 1 leaf of lettuce, 1/2 a chicken pie
Dinner: small bowl of fried rice
Snacks: 1 large apple
Water: 2 and 1/2 cups water
Exercise: 45 minutes trampoline cardio